History Of Interior Design

Although you might not realize it unless you're a student of interior design or something, there's a vast history of interior design for the human race to look back upon. And most of the time it will reflect the changes in our cultures and civilizations seamlessly, showing the interested observer what life was like at a certain point in time.

We don't even have to go very far in the history of interior design to see this change reflected back at us. The wild 70’s are just the place you should go to see the differences wrought through time. There's nothing quite like the wildly swirling colors, plastic furniture and odd shapes and designs to set off a shudder in quite a few interior designers’ hearts. But then again the shudder for that particular time in the history of interior design would have mainly been the reaction of interior designers of the 80's and the 90's.

The designers of today, I'm afraid to say, look like they want to relive the glory days of the 60's and the 70's. And that is why we find ourselves propelled back to a time in the history of interior design that we would most likely be better off not revisiting. But who are such lowly people as the ordinary public to argue with the vagaries of the interior design and fashion world.

Having said that there are some particularly nice things to have survived the seventies and have made it to now. And that's why the history of interior design can be such a fascinating subject. There's so much we can learn from the past and many ideas we can take and change around to suit our tastes now.

Besides which the history of interior design should I feel be an important part of many an aspiring interior designer's curricula. Learning from the past mistakes of interior designers can help greatly towards not making them again. Although since the 70's seem to be back it doesn't look like the interior designers of today have learnt from their past at all!

What about bringing such gracious things as elegant paintings and graceful lamps. And don't rule out the power of a simple wood table which has been crafted with grace and elegance. The history of interior design is a great thing and we should learn from it, but we should also learn to make our own history and not necessarily try to revive the past. This is the one thing that should really come across when we're looking down the ages at the history of interior design.